Ahmose I brought the Second Intermediate Period to a close by defeating the Hyksos. This marked the start of the New Kingdom. The New Kingdom began in 1570 B.C. and ended in 1070 B.C. It consisted of four dynasties (18th, 19th, and the 20th).
The only female pharaoh to rule during the new kingdom was Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut ruled during the 18th dynasty. Egypt had been ruled by queens before, but Hatshepsut proceeded to be the first female pharaoh. During her reign, Hatshepsut had many building projects completed. The building project that she is most known for is her tomb in the valley of the kings (kv 20), which was never completed."Supposedly she and her father, Thuthmose I, were actually buried there until the priests moved the bodies elsewhere, to stop thieves from desecrating the tombs."( source)
Out of the three dynasties to rule during the New Kingdom, the 18th dynasty ruled for the longest period of time and consisted of the largest amount of rulers. During the 18th dynasty, Sea peoples threatened Egypt's borders. In panic, the Egyptians quickly brought in a new pharaoh, who was formerly a general in the army. This new pharaoh, Horemheb, was very successful, so much so, that his reign marked the beginning of the 19th dynasty.
The 19th dynasty ruled from 1239-1185 B.C.,and produced ten kings. During the 19th dynasty pharaohs began to build their mortuary tombs in Thebes. These tombs were covered with gorgeous paintings that illustrated concerns about the afterlife. The building of the numerous tombs in Thebes caused the Egyptians to establish a city in Western Thebes to house the architects of the tombs.
Also, during the 19th dynasty Hittites had become a dominate Asiatic power. This was threatening to the Egyptians because now there was a balance of power between themselves and the Hittites."By now Egypt was an ethnically pluralistic society and this is reflected in a diversity of artistic expression. Unfortunately the tide of history was turning and Rameses son, Merenptah had to struggle to maintain Egypt's prestige." (source)
The 20th dynasty reigned from 1158-1070, and consisted of 8 kings. The most well-known king of the 20th dynasty was Ramesese III, who was known as "the last great king". In the eighth year of Rameses III's reign the Sea Peoples invaded Egypt, not only by land, but by sea as well. The Sea Peoples were defeated by Ramesese III in two great land and sea battles. Ramesese III also claims to have settled the Sea Peoples in Canaan. After the death of this great king, Egypt experienced drought, famine, low flood levels of the Nile, civil unrest, and official corruption. This catastrophe marked the end of the New Kingdom.
Lassieur, Allison. The Ancient Egyptians. San Diego, Ca: Lucent Books, 2001.
Romer, John. People of the Nile. New York: Crown Publishers, 1982.
i no i am sooo excited to drive down w/ u, and for next weekend.Love ya lots
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