Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, was a very oddman. He was known as the Sun King because of the idea that, just as the planets revolve around the Sun, so too should France and the court revolve around him. He took to his throne at four years old. He was not only the king of France, but he ruled Navarre as well.
He ruled for 72 years, 3months, and 18 days. This is the longest European rule known to date. During his vastly long reign, Louis XIV fought most of the other European countries in only four wars. He also established a court at Versailles and brought absolute monarchy in Europe to its height. He worked to create an absolutist and centralized state. He was ultimately successful.
He wanted to create an absolute centralized state governed from the capital in order to sweep away the remains of feudalism which had persisted in parts of France. When he succeeded in breaking the power of the provincial nobility, much rose in revolt during his minority, and forced many leading nobles to live with him in his lavish Palace of Versailles.
During the rule of King Louis the building and blossoming of the theatre, music, architecture, painting, sculpture, and all the sciences occurred. The Hall of Mirrors is a place in which all of Louis' accomplishments were displayed. This in itself was a huge accomplishment.
In conclusion, Louis XIV did many great things for Europe during his extremely long reign. He showed his artful side by allowing the sciences to flourish. He also showed how talented he was. He also fought many wars and was also effective in the military.
McKitterick, Rosamond. Times Medieval World. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Guy, John. Medieval Life. London: Ticktock Media Limited, 2001